Lights, Camera, Action

Automation News

Gapp were recently invited by Absolute Moco to control the position loop of a hydraulic ram used in various film sequences. In normal operation, the ram was opening and closing at full speed with no control. Gapp proposed a Trio MC508 with SSI encoder feedback from a Siko wire pull encoder. The customer replaced the standard hydraulic valve for a proportional valve that could be controlled via a +/- 10V analogue output signal.

Once the position loop had been implemented, the SFX team requested some help with the second phase of the project. They had to build a six axes hexapod with hydraulic rams. To control the rig, they required a GIMBAL to be able to teach the system the movements required and to be able to edit and play back the sequence.

Since the development for the film ‘LIFE’ the solution has been used in other film projects. Gapp has been involved with the additional developments for each movie. Gapp continues to be part of the SFX development using Trio Motion Coordinators.

Thank you to Absolute Moco for permission to use this video. Please take a look and get in touch for more information on our Trio Motion control solutions.

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